· All the Rainy Day essays are written in simple English, providing all the information about how rainy day occurs, how it feels on a rainy day, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a rainy day, how can you spend a rainy day, etc. You can select any Rainy Day essay as per your need: Short Essay on Rainy Day is My Favorite Day – Essay 1 ( words) There are various seasons like summer, winter and monsoon. But out of all my favourite season is monsoon season or the rainy · Even though the land itself had been severely damaged,vast amounts of heavy rain fell on the small village and quickly formed huge puddles over the streets. The wreckage started to smoke vigorously but also slowed down quickly since any remains of fire or ash were extinguished before any more damage could be done A Rainy Day Essay: , , , , Words. Essay / By Mr. Sam. A rainy day is a really important topic for essays in all classes in school and colleges. Here we have added five essays on a rainy day. I hope these essays will be really amazing for you. These essays will be able to teach you detailed about that topic
Essay on Rainy Day in English for Children and Students
Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Rain — The Aftermath of the Heavy Rain. The natural daily events started without delay.
Birds were twittering and singing like the voices of angels, filling the air with the sweet sound of nature. They flew around, rooftop to rooftop at amazing speeds, short essay on a day of heavy rain.
Their feathers ruffled slightly in the breeze and, quite often, they sprung around on their tiny, diminutive feet on the lawns of people, living in the area, searching around for any traces of food for their breakfast. The sun had now fully risen revealing all of its beauty it looked though as if it were a gateway to heaven. The hills and moors all shone with the intense sunlight and all the living things in the area woke up to the new day however the staleness of the winter air had slowly begun to spread,winter chills were running through the rooms of the house like a ghost silently coming and going.
Suddenly in the distance, there was a faint booming sound like a beating drum. The noise soon started to get louder and louder until all that could be heard was the deafening noise! People from houses along the street ran out onto the road and huddled together to witness a roaring fire devastating the house of a family living nearby. The owners of the house desperately attempted to remove valuable and sentimental short essay on a day of heavy rain from the burning wreck, but all was in vain as the glaring fire obliterated their irreplaceable possessions and their home.
The incandescent flames suddenly erupted scattering fragmented glass and debris several yards away. The chillness of the stale,city air was devoured by the scorching blazes of the vicious element, which had just destroyed the lives of a victim family. They had managed short essay on a day of heavy rain get very few possessions out of the burning wreck the however, the remainder of their belongings had burned away over the mourning day.
Even though the land itself had been severely damaged,vast amounts of heavy rain fell on the small village and quickly formed huge puddles over the streets. The wreckage started to smoke vigorously but also slowed down quickly since any remains of fire or ash were extinguished before any more damage could be done. People living in their snug, warm homes ran to their windows to witness sheets of torrential rain crashing into the thick, impenetrable tarmac. As it fell to the ground, loud thundering noises were made like the shattering of glass.
The ground was almost groaning in grief as the rain continuously hammered it at a huge force and settled in great pools of motionless water. The sun shone its rays, yet again, after many hours of thunderous rain. The puddles had forms large pools of water and shone in the gentle sunlight, yet the remains of the destroyed house lay there in between two other towering houses and had been abandoned by its owners who had left it to move on to a new place and leave their old one to stay there in its place, solitary and pitiful as it lay in ruins on a wet, windy winters day.
Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. this essay is not unique. Sorry, we cannot unicalize this essay. You can order Unique paper and our professionals Rewrite it for you. Want us to write one just for you? com uses cookies. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. The Aftermath of the Heavy Rain Category: EnvironmentBusiness Subcategory: NatureNews Media Topic: RainWeather Page: 1 Words: Published: 17 December Downloads: 45 Download Print.
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Write an essay on rainy season -- English
, time: 9:52The Aftermath of the Heavy Rain: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
Essay. April 3, by Abhishek Singh. A day when it rains off season, and usually without warning is called a rainy day. As much a rainy day is a surprise it is also pleasing and a welcomed occurrence. The several advantages and effects of a rainy day on the people and nature are discussed in this essay A Rainy Day Essay: , , , , Words. Essay / By Mr. Sam. A rainy day is a really important topic for essays in all classes in school and colleges. Here we have added five essays on a rainy day. I hope these essays will be really amazing for you. These essays will be able to teach you detailed about that topic An Essay on Heavy Rain. Article shared by. For four days it rained non-stop. The ram was not very heavy but it kept on coming without letting up. Our neighbours and we were all worried about the possibility of a flood—the levels of the nearby river had been rising steadily. The next day the river overflowed its banks and the water spread out covering the entire area cm which houses stood
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