PsycINFO The PsycINFO database, American Psychological Association’s (APA) resource for abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. It contains records and summaries dating as far back as the s. Journal coverage, which spans from the s to the Author: Michelle Donlin Purpose: The purpose of this review was to systematically assess empirical studies on the relationship between nurse staffing and nurse outcomes through meta-analysis. Methods: Published peer-reviewed articles published between January and November were identified in CINAHL, PubMed, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, EBSCO, RISS, and DBpia blogger.com by: 60 OJIN is a peer-reviewed publication that provides nursing articles and a forum for discussion of the issues inherent in current topics of interest to nurses and other health care professionals
Best Journals for Peer Reviewed Nursing Articles
The nursing field is one of continual change and nursing journals helps nursing professionals across the globe to review new practices and newfound technological approaches to care. As a critical care nurse, I have seen nurses in a wide variety of specialties find useful information in the top journals I will mention below.
If you are looking for relevant research peer reviewed nursing articles nursing, check out the peer reviewed nursing articles in the following publications. The American Journal of Nursing AJN is an amazing monthly journal with a well-established history. The AJN is peer reviewed and evidence-based, peer reviewed nursing articles.
As a graduate student, I use this journal in almost all of my DNP courses, peer reviewed nursing articles. It covers many nursing topics and provides students with the content needed to develop both principles and practices. From politics to meningitis, the AJN provides the nursing community a resource to high-quality information. For example, I was writing a paper about patient ratios and the correlation to nursing burnout. The AJN had various articles on this topic.
The articles were published within the peer reviewed nursing articles five years, which is a requirement for many schools, and also provided digital object identifier DOI information, which is also a common works cited requirement. The AJN provides nurses across the world a home for advanced investigation in clinical outcomes.
The American Journal of Critical Care AJCC is a bimonthly publication from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses AACN. I do not receive this journal but have found myself looking at various articles online.
I find myself using it so often that I consider purchasing a subscription with each read, because the content is worth it. The AJCC is a must for nursing students who are in school and needing high-quality nursing research articles. The AJCC has clinical studies, case reports, and editorials on all things critical care. The AJCC keeps me up-to-date on nursing practices and upcoming technology.
For example, the AJCC had an article about communicating while on mechanical ventilation. Through this article, my local ICU floor started a communication initiative for patients on mechanical ventilation, peer reviewed nursing articles. With this article, we were able to assist our patients and provide different means of communication.
CriticalCareNurse is a bimonthly publication from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses AACN. As a member, I receive this journal through the mail. The peer reviewed nursing articles of the journal is on high acuity, peer reviewed nursing articles, progressive and critical care populations.
Reading this nursing journal not only improves your critical thinking skills, it also expands your knowledge base. For example, I work in the adult intensive care setting. The CriticalCareNurse journal provides nurse with evidence-based research and newly developed protocols that improve health outcomes, peer reviewed nursing articles. The Journal of Professional Nursing JPN is a publication that concentrates on the educational aspects of the nursing profession.
The JPN presents articles in nursing education, educational research, and policies related to education. The journal is an absolute essential for nursing educators and nursing administration. There is currently nursing shortage that can only be solved by assisting individuals to achieve their dreams of becoming nurses.
For example, a recent article explained ways to promote meaningful reflection during education, peer reviewed nursing articles.
Reflection is a concept used in many undergraduate nursing courses and with the help of JPN, peer reviewed nursing articles, professors can find and implement strategies that have been linked to positive educational outcomes. The JPN offers professional tools for educational success that are invaluable for any nurse that educates others, and as nurses, that is each and every one of us. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing OJIN is an online journal reaching nurses internationally.
The OJIN is a scholarly journal of the American Nurses Association ANA. I love the online format of this journal. The ANA has a user-friendly layout and provides nurses worldwide with the ability to educate themselves on peer reviewed nursing articles nursing topics. I recently read a section titled, peer reviewed nursing articles, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses APRN Roles: Opportunities and Challenges for Practice.
As a nurse who is in school to get my APRN, it helped me to understand what potential hurdles I could face as a provider. From societal violence to nursing care, the OJIN provides nurses with peer-revised education that can be used in various nursing specialties.
Regardless of the nursing specialty you work in or are studying, these five peer reviewed nursing journals will help you expand your knowledge base and improve your nursing skills. Do you have a particular nursing journal you read and recommend? Comment below and share! I would love to hear from you all. Nurse Nacole is a board certified registered nurse, blogging about advanced nursing education and being a new nurse.
On her self entitled blog, Nurse Nacole posts daily nursing tipsalong with advice on nursing academics, licensing exams, professionalism and nursing school success. Nacole is currently in school to become a Nurse Practitioner. Peer reviewed nursing articles Schools. BSN Bachelors MSN Masters Doctorate RN Registered Nurse RN to BSN NP Nurse Practitioner Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Educator Clinical Nurse Leader CNS Nurse Specialist Nurse Administrator.
Do you have an RN License? Yes No Currently Obtaining. Learn More About Nursing With Our Expert Resources.
Finding peer-reviewed articles for nursing topics. DTCC student resources.
, time: 7:46
Best Journals for Peer Reviewed Nursing Articles OJIN is a peer-reviewed publication that provides nursing articles and a forum for discussion of the issues inherent in current topics of interest to nurses and other health care professionals The American Journal of Nursing, the profession's premier journal, promotes excellence in the nursing and healthcare profession. Subscribe today!
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